Friday, September 4, 2009

Will Albert Pujols Be Bringing Power To The Yankees?

One-time TBDS scribe BFeldt brings this to my attention via the Twittersphere.

"Pujols on a Wheaties box looks dangerously close to a Yankees uniform. This, my friends, is a scary but real thought."
While the Cardinals have a gray jersey and a dark blue road cap, I can see where Cardinals fans might wet themselves at the thought of Albert Pujols wearing a Yankees uniform.  Pujols will likely hit the market after the 2011 season -- assuming that Redbird management picks up that option after the 2010 season.
Cardinals fans, fear not the Yankees.  But fear a lighter shade of blue and a man name Tom Ricketts, who could hand Mr. Pujols more money than St. Louis ever could.
We'll see if money talks in 2011.


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