We're Moving (Again): The Start Of A New Era
0 Comments - 15 Feb 2010
This is the end of our blogger days.  However, the days of us blogging are not over. We've moved, again.  This time it's probably for good...

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The Weekender: State Of Saluki Hoops Edition
2 Comments - 12 Feb 2010
The SIU men's basketball team has gone through several stages since Chris Lowery took over at his alma mater following the groundwork laid by Bruce ...

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Friday, October 23, 2009

The Weekender Returns

The Weekender is a blog with links to things you should read while spending time at your computer over the weekend while I'm spending time away from it.  Must read links after the jump.  Oh, and pretty girls, too.  (Ed. Note: I didn't even realize I missed The Weekender last week.  That's what happens when real life interferes with blog life.)

Salma Hayek, FTW.
  • Seven movie titles that sound like they would be pornos ... but are not actually pornos.
  • Deadspin busts all over the Steve Phillips saga and the rest of the #ESPNhorndoggery. The New York Post puts it on the front page (probably payback for ESPN yanking all of its reporters).  All over this girl.  C'mon, Steve.  You're better than that.  (Remembers he traded Scott Kazmir for Victor Zambrano.)  Wait, no you're not.
  • Video: Minnesota's Golden Gopher mocks Christianity, Penn State.
  • Want someone to stalk follow on Twitter. Here's not one, but two for ya.
  • Dave Kaplan renames the new Cubs' hitting coach.

  • If you're looking for something to read after this, go over to KSK. It's football Friday dontyaknow?
  • Albert Pujols' surgery, success.  Cardinals postseason record, not so much.
  • The TFLN of the week goes to this brilliant text. The asshole TFLN comes from this guy, a Craig Sager hater. I feel as if this is a delayed text from a former friend of mine.
  • Don't forget that you added your mom on Lamebook. More Facebook fail, this time a one-nighter goes a lil' too public.
  • Then there's "Woofer" -- the anti-twitter.


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