It's a two-bit operation that looks like it has moved into the 21st Century.
When TBDS started, it was nothing more than Hartwig and me spouting off on anything and everything sports. Now, it has expanded. And with expansion, change needed to come. I tweaked with layouts, widgets and gadgets, but in my mind -- and in the opinion of others -- TBDS was nothing more than a glorified blogspot blog.
Since then, we've added a Twitter feed that not only provides posts to the Twitterverse, but will provide snarky comments as we follow games, events, drafts and news stories. Still, it wasn't enough. And after months of research, I knew it was time for a makeover of grand proportions.
It started last Friday in getting TBDS an official logo. And we got that done within minutes. Then we wanted to find a layout that looked respectable. You know, something that wasn't a cookie-cutter blogspot template. We inquired to some bright minds that we thought knew more than we did about blog layouts and designs ... and they failed us. Not that they're bad people, but they kind of left us hanging at a bad time. Hence, the gazillion failed layouts before a stripped-down site made its way to the internet.
That's when we nutted up and made the changes our damn self. And once we tested it on a dummy site, it was off to the races.
The original site remains, if only to serve as a reminder of what we once were. And while the new site features all of the old blogs, it does so under one name. But fear not, TBDS readers. Your favorite bloggers will be back on board very soon.
Until then, enjoy this Tupac song about change.
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