We're Moving (Again): The Start Of A New Era
0 Comments - 15 Feb 2010
This is the end of our blogger days.  However, the days of us blogging are not over. We've moved, again.  This time it's probably for good...

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The Weekender: State Of Saluki Hoops Edition
2 Comments - 12 Feb 2010
The SIU men's basketball team has gone through several stages since Chris Lowery took over at his alma mater following the groundwork laid by Bruce ...

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Friday, February 5, 2010

The Weekender Returns (Hopefully For Good)

The Weekender is back for the first time in two weeks and I'd like to show my appreciation for everyone's support by including this picture of Scarlett Johansson to kick off the festivities.

We've had a long week and plan to have a longer weekend.  We'll knock out some posts about Ryan Theriot, Kevin Gregg, Saluki basketball (and maybe football) along with a Super Bowl drinking game.

Because you can't really consider yourself a good sports blog until you have a Super Bowl drinking game that will get you drunk by halftime.

Alright, we're done.  Enjoy your day, the upcoming weekend and this blog.

OK, fine, here's a Colts cheerleader.

And for the hell of it ... random soccer cheerleader.

Oh.  We almost forgot about random screen grabs!

Facebook fun!

 Headline of the year?

Ladies and gentlemen, I think we found Crazy Uncle Milton's long lost son...


Then there's this week's video, where my even Hitler is pissed off at Chris Lowery. (Via @StileSmith)

We'll tweet the Super Bowl happenings in Miami.  Until then, say a little prayer for those who might be effected by Hurricane WhoDat.


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